Here is the below step, which help you to set enviroment variables in window 11. FacebookTwitterLinkedinPinterest
Before starting the coding part, we will first install the MongoDB PHP extension, So here is the step for installing and enabling the MongoDB extension in your WampServer – Here I am using WampServer, If…
Hi all! Below is the code, I am sharing for restricting and blocking the file download from outside of your website. You can put the below code in .htaccess file to restrict the access. This…
Below is the code for creating christmas tree using Python. Before starting please be sure you have turtle package installed in your Computer. By using below code you can Design the masterpiece Christmas Tree using…
Hi folks, before start designing Doraemon, Please install python and package turtle this package help to design in python. Copy below code and run in your vs code:- FacebookTwitterLinkedinPinterest
Here is the steps for changing password in linux. Open terminal, and then type command passwd and then type your current password, and press enter. It will ask for new password, enter new password and…
Below is the code that help to get the site url in javascript, the purpose of this code is Sometime we need the site url in using js, in mine case i need to call…
Here’s the Code that I have used for maintaining the scroll of web page I have visited Previously using localStorage. $(function () {/scroll maintaining states/var storedResult = localStorage.getItem("location");var storedURL = localStorage.getItem("url");if (storedURL !== 'undefined' &&…
Sometime we got big database and stuck on the limit of phpMyAdmin upload limit, so here is the solution to import the big mysql file with command line:- First login to the mysql/mariadb using command:-…