The logic of the below methods will help you to reverse the integer in any language, here I am doing it in PHP.
So let’s create a function with the name of reverse_integer:- it will reverse the interger.
function reverse_integer($n) {
$reverse = 0;
while ($n > 0) {
$reverse = $reverse * 10;
$reverse = $reverse + $n % 10;
$n = (int)($n/10);
return $reverse;
reverse_integer(27);// answer will be 72
Reverse string in PHP without strrev() function:-
$string = "Techlifediary";
$count = strlen($string) - 1;
for($i = $count; $i >=0; $i--) {
echo $string[$i];
//Answer will be 'yraidefilhceT'